Friday, October 12, 2007

Cable Internet v DSL

Cable modems, along with DSL technology, are the two primary types of Internet access. How are consumer selecting which service would be most beneficial to their need. Average cost of both services is roughly the same, speed is the same? Therefore, which one of these are factors give the companies an advantage, since both are primarily the same. Please review the article below for a detailed comparison.


stopaskingquestions said...


I am in your ITEC 610 class. I currently do not have a system at home, but my son is building me one. I also do not have a phone line in my house. If I were to get cable or DSL, would I need to get a landline too? Sounds like a stupid question, but I truly have been oblivious to the connection game, since I use the sytem at work or everything, and only like to read or occasionally watch basic TV when I go home (no HBO for me, please).

stopaskingquestions said...

Me again...can you post your reply to my blog, go to the blogs for the semester area, and post it for yvette lane...thanks!

Christine Malone said...

I am not sure about Cable internet; however Verzion does require you to have a landline.