Friday, September 28, 2007

Its a team effort!!!!!

I was reading the monthly circular for Visual Studio and one particular composition from a reader caught my attention. He compared software development to manufacturing goods such as a car. The author stated that when software is developed there are various level of the program and it is impossible for one particular individual to develop bulky programs. The author went on to explain how when a car is made there are different aspects of the car such as paint, engine, interior etc....;similar to a program which has multiple aspects. He argued that it is restoring to let various individuals with different expertise to develop well rounded programs. I agree with his point of view since the ability of applications are increasing and some developers have different skills then others.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Attn: Cluster experts

Currently, I am using an Exchange Cluster on a Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition server. I am experiencing a failover issue with the cluster. When an attempt is made to move the resources to the 2nd node all of the resources except for the quorum goes offline and then comes back online with the first node. The cluster will never fail over to the second node. My belief are that there is an issue with the BIOS. Please provide any assistance if possible.


ITEC 610

This blogger was created for the purpose of a class; however I intend to use the blogger to communicate with IT professional in an attempt to share knowledge.