Sunday, November 25, 2007

Social Networks

We discussed social networks in class this week, I wanted to share this article with everyone:

Thursday, November 8, 2007

New Spam Techniques

In 2005, I attempted to sell my furniture online.....well it turned out to be more of headache then anything. I started to review emails from fraudulent potential buyers stating that they would purchase my furniture for a higher amount then the selling price and then I return the remaining balance to the buyer. When I first received an email like this, I didn't think any of it. As the weeks went on, I received similar emails. One day I decided to response and I gave the seller my address; a few weeks later I received a money order in the mail for $5000.00, well that would have been nice but unfortunately my furniture was only $800.00. I also did not make arrangements for the buyer to pick up the furniture. I then took the money order to bank to report the incident because I knew that the money order was fraudulent even though the appearance was so real. The bank told me that the money order number was a duplicate. Since this incident happened I frequently receive emails from spammers offering to send me and enormous amount of money and as a favor I return a portion of the money. Recently, I was watching Dateline and there was a report on these money laundering schemes. Dateline reported that there are organizations set up in places like London and they communicate to US citizens via email and try to get them involves in a various money trading schemes. If you receive one of these emails, trust me it is not a legal individual or business. Do not respond because you will continue to receive the emails.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Getting managers to understand IT

Where in the organization do we bridge the gap? Managers do not understand the basic concepts of IT and IT professionals do not understand, certain protocols when it comes down to running the business . Is it that we are all in this comfort zone and we do not want to cross the line...I believe so.From an IT standpoint, it is very necessary for managers to understand, security, database management,networking, etc.A business can not survive without the use of IT. IT is used for every aspect of the business, collecting and maintaining data, communicating etc; therefore if a manager does not understand how IT can improve production in the future, then how can he/she strategize.I am not implying that IT professionals should not understand the organizations operation, however the development of systems starts with planning and usually consist of managements input.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Cable Internet v DSL

Cable modems, along with DSL technology, are the two primary types of Internet access. How are consumer selecting which service would be most beneficial to their need. Average cost of both services is roughly the same, speed is the same? Therefore, which one of these are factors give the companies an advantage, since both are primarily the same. Please review the article below for a detailed comparison.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Its a team effort!!!!!

I was reading the monthly circular for Visual Studio and one particular composition from a reader caught my attention. He compared software development to manufacturing goods such as a car. The author stated that when software is developed there are various level of the program and it is impossible for one particular individual to develop bulky programs. The author went on to explain how when a car is made there are different aspects of the car such as paint, engine, interior etc....;similar to a program which has multiple aspects. He argued that it is restoring to let various individuals with different expertise to develop well rounded programs. I agree with his point of view since the ability of applications are increasing and some developers have different skills then others.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Attn: Cluster experts

Currently, I am using an Exchange Cluster on a Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition server. I am experiencing a failover issue with the cluster. When an attempt is made to move the resources to the 2nd node all of the resources except for the quorum goes offline and then comes back online with the first node. The cluster will never fail over to the second node. My belief are that there is an issue with the BIOS. Please provide any assistance if possible.


ITEC 610

This blogger was created for the purpose of a class; however I intend to use the blogger to communicate with IT professional in an attempt to share knowledge.